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Chinese (arranged in alphabetical order by English title)

Across the Straits book cover

Across the Straits

All-In-One Chinese Fun book covers

All in One Chinese Fun

Beyond the Basics book cover

Beyond the Basics, 2nd Edition

China Since 1644 book cover

China Since 1644

China's Development and Dilemmas

Chinese for Tomorrow series book covers

Chinese for Tomorrow

Chinese in Motion series book covers

Chinese in Motion

Chinese Biographies book covers (Lang Lang and Yao Ming)

Chinese Biographies

Close the Deal book cover

Close the Deal 

​​​​Crossing Paths book cover

Crossing Paths

The Enduring Legacy of Ancient China

Expressive Chinese

Go Far with Chinese Textbook Covers Levels 1-3

Go Far with Chinese


Huanying series book covers



Integrated Chinese 3rd Edition book covers

Integrated Chinese 3rd Edition

Integrated Chinese 4th Edition book covers

Integrated Chinese 4th Edition 


Making Connections book cover

Making Connections


Masterworks Chinese Companion book cover

Masterworks Chinese Companion

New Pathways book cover

New Pathways

Ni Hao series book covers

Ni Hao


Reading Into a New China 1st Edition Volume 1 book cover

Reading Into a New China, 1st Ed.



Reading Into a New China 2nd Edition series book covers

Reading Into a New China, 2nd Ed.


Readings in Chinese Culture series book covers

Readings in Chinese Culture Series



Setting the Stage for Chinese Level 1 & 2 book covers

Setting the Stage for Chinese


Shifting Tides book cover 

Shifting Tides




  Startup Business Chinese Level 1 textbook cover

           Startup Business Chinese                                                                                                              

        Selected book covers from series Step by Step                         

 Step by Step    




Strive for a 5 AP Chinese Practice Tests book cover

             Strive for a 5: AP Chinese                 



Taiwan Today 3rd edition book cover

Tawian Today

Teaching Basic Chinese Grammar cover

Teaching Basic Chinese Grammar




Adventures in Japanese series book covers

Adventures in Japanese

Further Adventures in Japanese book cover

Further Adventures in Japanese

Strive for a 5 AP Japanese Practice Tests book cover

Strive for 5 Japanese

Dekiru!: An AP Japanese Preparation Course - book cover




Marhaba series book covers


Small Wonders series book covers

Small Wonders