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Integrated Chinese 4th Edition Sampler

Integrated Chinese 4th Edition SamplerThe Integrated Chinese (IC) series is an internationally acclaimed Mandarin Chinese language course that delivers a cohesive system of print and digital resources for highly effective teaching and learning. Since the publication of the first edition in 1997, it has become the leading series of Chinese language learning resources in the United States and beyond. Through its holistic focus on the language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, IC teaches students the skills they need to function in Chinese.

Reimagined for today’s classrooms, Integrated Chinese 4th Edition engages learners with new, topical cultural content, more grammar and language practice, and models language and register across different genres and media. The new edition equips teachers with a wider and more flexible range of tools and facilitates the assimilation of interconnected resources, hastening language acquisition and building communication skills.

We are pleased to offer you an in-depth look at the new 4th Edition of Integrated Chinese, the market-leading series designed for college Chinese language programs, now also available on the all new ChengTsui Web App™.

Fill out the form below to download a free copy of the Integrated Chinese series sampler. Please note: upon clicking the Submit button, you will be redirected to the series sampler. To save a copy to your computer, look for the Download icon near the zoom tools.


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