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Connecting Cultures

July 3, 2013

Today, people learning about a new culture may look to food, art, history, and language (which is what Cheng & Tsui is all about!). But what about the way a culture plays?

August 27, 2011

Shirt-Hitting: 撞衫 (Zhuàng shān)

August 22, 2011

Today’s Word: 粉丝

August 13, 2011

Today’s Word: 牛

August 6, 2011

辣妹 (làmèi, hot girl)

July 30, 2011


This week’s slang term is 宅 (zhái) (lit. house; collq. computer geek, nerd).

July 21, 2011

Today’s Word: N                             

Nope, you’re eyes aren’t playing games with you, this week’s word really is,


“But, wait, that’s not Chinese?”

July 7, 2011

Today’s Word: 山寨 (shānzhài)
