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    Product Registration Help

    To access purchased content or to download files from the Companion Website, you will need to create an account and register your product.
    Sign in to an existing account or register a new Cheng & Tsui account and enter your product key exactly as it appears.

    (Note: Some products will require you to answer a validation question instead of entering a product key.)

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Payments for schools

Cheng & Tsui is happy to invoice schools with an existing account for their orders, provided we receive an official purchase order in writing. Schools may also pay with department credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover), personal or school checks, or money orders. All payments must be drawn on U.S. banks in U.S. dollars; make checks and money order payable to Cheng & Tsui Company. For credit card payments please provide the type of card, the card holder's name, credit card number, and expiration date.

To establish an account with Cheng & Tsui, please contact the Customer Service Department.