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All-In-One Chinese Fun

Sing, Play and Speak Chinese
by Hazel Young Hasegawa

All in One Chinese Fun

With a guiding principle of engaging students through play, All in One Chinese Fun contains songs, dances, plays, games, and other interactive activities for K-3 students in after school, home school, enrichment, or supplementary settings.  An interactive, multi-modal pedagogy explained in All in One Chinese Fun's Teacher's Handbook gives instructors flexibility on structuring materials for their specific needs.  The All in One Chinese Fun companion website offers additional resources to both native and non-native speakers of Chinese.


Student Book includes:

  • 12 song transcripts
  • Audio CD with both sung and chanted versions of each song
  • Activity sheets for each song

Teacher Book includes:

  • Flexible Planning: program overview explains pedagogy and guides teachers in tailoring their programs to suit students' needs.
  • Point-of-Use Support: All-in-One Student book is reproduced in the Teacher Book, annotated with helpful notes and teaching tips.
  • Additional Resources: instructions for classroom games, glossary, audio CD and more!

As communicative competence becomes a more focused goal for classrooms across the U.S., student progress in developing higher levels of proficiency becomes increasingly important. . . Students need a long sequence of well-articulated language learning that begins in elementary school.

— —The Partnership for 21st Century Skills

"Fun and colorful. Engages students in many ways. Effective educational tool."

— —Judges' Comments from the 2013 New England Book Show
About the Author(s)

Hazel Young Hasegawa is ethnically Chinese and grew up in her birthplace, the state of Hawaii. As an elementary classroom teacher with college minors and study abroad programs in Mandarin Chinese, she explored and experimented with Mandarin programs in the elementary school. Upon retirement from the Hawaii Department of Education as an Assistant Principal, she completed her doctoral studies in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education at the University of Hawaii Manoa and provided professional development for those teaching Mandarin. She has incorporated in her publication an approach which helps teachers to apply language learning theories, to communicate with parents, and to sustain the interest of children through experiential learning. Once teachers have made the process visible for themselves, they are able to expand and build upon it to use in their particular program models, curricula, and school contexts.