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Superstar Karaoke Contest: 2020 Winners

Congratulations to the 2020 Cheng & Tsui Superstars, and thanks to everyone who participated and made the contest a success. 

1st Place

网课欢迎你 - New Trier Chinese 5

New Trier High School
Language: Chinese

2nd Place

Radical 86 火 - B E I J I N G B O Y S (Sachin, Michael, Katie, & Ethan)

Troy High School
Language: Chinese

3rd Place

虫儿飞 - Avery

NSU University School
Language: Chinese


阿楚姑娘 - Vivian & Victoria

La Jolla Country Day School
Language: Chinese

来中国饭馆 - Lia

Canyon Crest Academy
Language: Chinese

Sing for Wuhan, Fight Coronavirus - Emory University Chinese Program 2020

Emory University
Language: Chinese